Hack Facebook...!

This picture doesn't belong to me

Now, Facebook's "hacking" is not easy. But here I am helping you by teaching some Facebook hacking methods. Today, I would like to teach you how to use Kali Linux to decipher your Facebook account. Later I will tell you the more convenient "hacker" Facebook account method.

Step "Hacker" Facebook account

 # 1. After installation, install Kali Linux from the official site, open the Kali Linux terminal and enter the following: 
cd / pentest / exploits / set

#2. Now Type in Opened Terminal: 
 to open “Social Engineering Tool kit“.
# 3. After selecting the first option, select "1" Social Engineering Attack " and click Enter.
#4. Now choose 2nd option:
  • 2) Website Attack Vectors

#5. Now Select 4th Option 
  • 4 Tabnabbing Attack Method
#6. Again select 2nd option:
  • 2) Site Cloner

#7. Now Here you Need to Add your IP

#8. Now Here you need to add the URL of  FB
Note: if you want to hack Facebook then put here Facebook URL.

#9. Just Hit Enter

#10. Paste your IP in URL bar and hit enter again your Page will look like this:

When victim will try to login. The details will appear here:

Note: This was only for educational purpose. I'm not responsible for misuse.
Remember Hacking without permission is illegal and I don't support it.


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