Becoming Anonymous?!!! Part 2

As i told you guys earlier I'll be back with more so here I'm with more information. So if you haven't read our first post then go and check it out first Click Here. So when you've done let's get started.

False Identities:

        Using a fake identity sounds more interesting than it actually is, but in many ways it's really effective.
Think about it: Use your regular email address so you can log in to online games such as Facebook, Twitter, eBay etc. It may seem completely rational, but you can easily go back to the source, if a hacker or someone has only a simple task to steal a single account. Now, if you have a group of aliases, hackers need more time and energy to trace real owners back fake identity.
This is a very basic concept, but it can be used to successfully conceal common online activities behind a series of false identities. In fact it is incorrect to report the use of more than 50 names and e-mail addresses and not to enter the actual identity on the web.
Please think that this strategy will remain under the radar. If you do not want to let your site know your real name and address, there are few reasons to communicate true identity online. In most cases, websites are only organized and sold for advertising purposes, and use the details. Please never provide the real e-mail address, home address, contact information of the website that can be accessed actually.

If you work hard to come up with a fake identity, consider using a generator similar to the one you found here. This website can create a complete fake identity such as name, address, email, phone number. It can even give you a fake credit card number, mother's maiden name, car, blood type, height, weight, two dimensional code. Obviously, all data provided is fake, and similarities with real people are purely coincidental.
In addition to the fake name generator above, the fake e-mail it generates is actually activated and can be used as a free one-time e-mail system where any incoming e-mail is displayed on a hyperlinked page I will. However, we do not know who can access this system, so it's best to treat it as an e-mail that can be used on web forms or other websites that reveals your true identity.

Using 3rd parties applications:

        In addition to the basics, there are programs that help hide tracks, programs that hide digital fingerprints, and programs that are not visible during online. One of the most well-known of them is the Tor network, but for those who need a more complete package of encryption and anonymity, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the day.

And in my next post I'll explain about Tor Network and Tor Browser. So wait for me till then good bye. Do follow me on Facebook Click Here :)


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