Inventions in Technology that helped us alot..!


        Since the beginning of 200,000 years ago, the world has advanced innovation and inventions. From the original development of tires and paper, you can impress high-tech products to the hearts of today's Neanderthal people. Of course, there is an impressive development that changes our way of living and work. In modern times, some technical miracles that started with novelties are an integral part of our daily lives.

Cellular Phones:

     Communication was always the key to success, from war to relationships. The comparison between today's mobile phones and traditional stylus is incredible. According to GigOm website data, Nielsen's rating service predicts that by the end of 2011, one in two Americans owns a smartphone. So, you can not only call these mobile phones, but also have direct access to the banquet from the actual computer.
Which was 100% true.


      Most people will not get lost due to the convergence and technology related to GPS (Global Positioning System). I do not mention these dashboards. Half of Americans with smartphones may have guidance on GPS applications. According to Britain's "Daily Telegraph," GPS was originally reported to have been developed by the US military in 1978.

Digital Music:

       Music has been evaluated globally for thousands of years, digitization of music improves sound quality and sharing ability. Digital music also reduces waste, CDs, records, and tapes are getting old.


        Despite hundreds of years of inventions (such as microscopes and telescopes) changing the world than most other inventions, the Internet is still in its infancy. The Internet was invented in the latter half of the 1960s and was open to the public in the 1990s. Since then, the spread of communication and information has progressed, the daily life of all the people on the earth has changed.

Video Conferencing:

        The idea of ​​video conferencing seems not to be a big deal in today's saturated science and technology world, but please think of such a Science Fiction way of thinking over 100 years ago. Today, face-to-face chat is normal and can be done on the Internet with a digital camera with PC or smartphone with 2 or 3 mouse clicks.

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